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Creating own game space / game-space / game-real estate (hunting grounds) in TSE. 

Why create your own game space?

  1. It is fun. 

  2. You get to share your thoughts and experiences with others. 

  3. Advertisement. Self or product. 

  4. You get to test your friends and others knowledge according to your standards. 

  5. Players who want to enter your game space will have to pay you. 


Who can create a mini game?

  1. TSEL members of the rank Captain and above are allowed to create their own game space. 

  2. Owners must make a one time small payment. Any changes = make another payment. 


How to create your own game space?

  1. Wait for end of beta to be announced. 

  2. We will create a new hunting ground. 

  3. Other players enter through a PLAYER PORTAL after paying entrance fees. 

  4. TSE will collect 50% of entrance fees paid. It will be in our game’s gold ecoins. 

  5. Owner sets questions about themselves or their products. 

  6. Visitors must capture animals first. 

  7. Answering 10 questions = prizes. 

  8. Not being able to answer 10 questions = penalty. 

  9. Owners will choose their own terrain and animals. 

  10. Owners will send us the QNA and if we approved, they can start. This hunting ground will have the portals of yours and other players’ mini game. 

  11. Your mini game will have the same features and format as our regular portals, eg. SoulBrain, LockBrain, etc. 

  12. We will share with you the format to write the notes, questions and answers. 


Why would anyone want to play in your game space?
Or, how the visitors to mini games can benefit?

  1. They will get more animals to hunt. 

  2. Asked to help by owner or friends?

  3. See more things and products. 

  4. Learn the mindset or hobbies or expertise of the owner. 

  5. Get more animals to capture. But if can’t answer first 10 questions, get zero points. 

  6. If can answer first 10 questions = normal points. 

  7. If can answer first 20 questions = double points. 

  8. If can answer first 30 questions = 3x points. 

  9. 40 questions = 4x points 

  10. 50, 60, 70., 80, 90, 100. Etc. 

  11. If they can answer 10 questions in a row, their animal numbers will rise by 10 times. 

  12. But why should they repeatedly visit the same mini game? So that the animal points increase consistently. And maybe your friend is doing you a favour. Or maybe the knowledge you shared is very valuable or interesting. Or maybe they are looking forward to next 10 questions. 


Why should the owner make the qna tough? 

  1. If the visitors can answer all the questions, don’t both sides will be happy? Yes.  

  2. But when a visitor failed to answer 10 questions in a row, the reward points get rolled into the next visitor. So the more failures means the mini game is more attractive!!! 


Why TSE wants to do this? 

  1. Collect rental for hunting grounds 

  2. Help players advertise 

  3. Help players develop creativity 

  4. Help metaverse to grow

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